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COAT Paints
COAT is a digital-first paint company, re-defining the 'posh paint' experience for conscious customers.
Green Lithium
Our vision is to enable our planet's transition to sustainable energy.
COAT Paints
COAT is a digital-first paint company, re-defining the 'posh paint' experience for conscious customers.
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Halden Ben Abdel
Halden Ben Abdel
Halden Ben Abdel
Halden Ben Abdel
Halden Ben Abdel
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July 11th, 2024
Startup NestEgg Labs: reducing waste in biomedical laboratories
FundsUp spoke with Stefan van Cleef, enthusiastic founder of NIMBEL, the modern baby carrier that combines more comfortFundsUp spoke with Stefan van Cleef, enthusiastic founder of NIMBEL, the modern baby carrier that combines more comfort
July 11th, 2024
Startup NestEgg Labs: reducing waste in biomedical laboratories
FundsUp spoke with Stefan van Cleef, enthusiastic founder of NIMBEL, the modern baby carrier that combines more comfortFundsUp spoke with Stefan van Cleef, enthusiastic founder of NIMBEL, the modern baby carrier that combines more comfort
July 11th, 2024
Startup NestEgg Labs: reducing waste in biomedical laboratories
FundsUp spoke with Stefan van Cleef, enthusiastic founder of NIMBEL, the modern baby carrier that combines more comfortFundsUp spoke with Stefan van Cleef, enthusiastic founder of NIMBEL, the modern baby carrier that combines more comfort
July 11th, 2024
Startup NestEgg Labs: reducing waste in biomedical laboratories
FundsUp spoke with Stefan van Cleef, enthusiastic founder of NIMBEL, the modern baby carrier that combines more comfortFundsUp spoke with Stefan van Cleef, enthusiastic founder of NIMBEL, the modern baby carrier that combines more comfort